Sunday, 26 September 2010

viscom Project 3: Audience...

For this project we had to create an original and cleaver way of sending an unspoken message. We had to consider what the message is and who the sender and receiver are in order to create a successful message. I started by using the skills used in Project 1 by visualising and writing as many ideas that I could come up with into my sketchbook. I settled on the idea that my guinea-pig is trying to tell my rabbit to stop stealing its food. I then explored ways in which I (the guinea-pig) could compose a message that would successfully tell the rabbit  to stop stealing the food. I then thought that the best way of doing this would be to use food; a carrot. I then made a short animation of two carrot's slowly being munched into by the guinea-pig to reveal the words "mine" and "yours".

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