Saturday, 30 October 2010

3-D Spatial Design Project 2: Maps, Site and Space

After finding and photographing various modular forms in an environment around me, we were asked to find shapes and forms from our photographs and drawings in order to create 3 models with a modular theme;  #1 a structure to walk through #2 a structure to support the human body #3 a structure to contain a small object. We used a range of disposable objects that we had brought in to create these structures. I began by creating an object out of cardboard, toothpicks and electrical tape, however the object was too complex and i had trouble trying to make a stable structure with this object.

I then decided to simplify my object, this allowed me to create more structures and experiment with different types of structures as it was more stable.

#1 a structure to walk through
#2 a structure to support the human body
#3 a structure to contain a small object

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